Handlebars Reference
Document Templates use Handlebars Templating Language. You can write a Template in HTML with Handlebars Expressions to reference dynamic content.
Each documents has it’s variables available directly in context. To access a variable, use the following syntax:
Some variables my be nested within objects. You can navigate through objects by using dot-notation:
Documents have two contexts: the primary context, and nested within, the Meta context.
Primary context
The primary context holds all variables of a document. They can be modified by using inputs in the template. For most documents, a lot of variables are predefined during generation. Depending on the document type, some variables may be locked, which means they are immutable. This applies for example for monetary amounts.
Meta context
Each Document also has a Meta context. It’s available in the Main context as property called Document
. It holds all meta data of the document, like the relations and other directly assigned attributes. For example, you can access the Documents Creditor Name by using:
For starters, here is a quick example of how a simple Document Template could look like.
If you have trouble reading this, you might be better of by contacting your Lexgate Integrator.
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
body {
font-size: 3mm;
margin: 0;
max-width: none;
size: A4;
margin: 10mm;
margin-left: 20mm;
margin-top: 27mm;
@media only screen {
body {
margin: 10mm;
margin-left: 20mm;
margin-top: 27mm;
box-sizing: border-box;
/** Add your styles here */
<div class="your-document-header">
{{translate "Document ID"}}: {{Document.id}}
<div class="your-document-body">
<th>{{translate "Name"}}</th>
<th>{{translate "Address"}}</th>
{{#each Persons}}
Default Functions:
if: conditionally render
unless: inverted if
each: iterate over a list
with: change context
lookup: dynamic paramter resolution
length: count items in a list
To count items in a list, you can use the length
Lexgate-Specific Functions
translate: translates a key
input: allows custom text in an input-element
textarea: allows custom text in a textarea-element
image: display am image from the same template library
datetime: display a field containing a date in a specified format
number: display a field containing a number in a specified format
calculate: display a custom calculated value
payment-slip: display a payment slip block
match: allows filter a specific object in content
Translate a key depending on the document language.
parameter | content | examples |
1 | string or variable | Date or Invoice |
{{translate "Date"}}
{{translate "Invoice"}} for {{translate type}}
Show the user in edit mode an input field, where he can put custom text.
In display mode, this text is then rendered.
parameter | content | optional | examples |
1 | reference | greetings or customer_reference |
style | string | yes | height: 100% or color: white; background-color: red; |
type | string | yes, default text |
text or number |
raw-output | bool | yes, default false |
true or false |
{{input "greetings"}}
{{input "customer_reference" style="height:100%;color:white;background-color:red;" type="number" raw-output=true}}
Show the user in edit mode an textarea field, where he can put custom multiline text.
In display mode, this text is then rendered.
parameter | content | optional | examples |
1 | reference | address or description |
style | string | yes | height: 100% or color: white; background-color: red; |
{{textarea "address"}}
{{textarea "description" style="height:100%;color:white;background-color:red;"}}
Adds an image to the document template. Images from the same template library as template are only allowed.
parameter | content | optional | examples |
1 | Image ID (string) | 1mag6d1d |
style | string | yes | height: 100% or width:200px; border: 2px solid black |
{{image "1mag6d1d"}}
{{image "abcd1234" style="width:200px; border: 2px solid black"}}
Displays a date in a specified format and in the documents locale.
parameter | content | optional | examples |
1 or content | ISO8601 date string | 2000-01-01T00:00:01 or {{var_with_date}} |
date-format | none , full , long , medium , short |
yes, default long |
time-format | none , full , long , medium , short |
yes, default none |
{{datetime invoice_date}}
{{datetime "2000-01-01T00:00:01" date-format="short" time-format="short"}}
Displays a number in a specified format and in the documents locale.
parameter | content | optional | examples |
1 or content | numeric | 123456 or amount |
precision | min or min,max |
yes (default: 2 ) |
1 or 2,4 |
rounding-mode | down or up |
yes (default: nearest ) |
rounding-increment | string | yes (default: 0 ) |
0.2 or 0.05 |
format | none , decimal or currency |
yes (default: decimal ) |
currency | ISO4217 currency string | yes (default: eur ) |
usd or gbp |
currency-display | none , symbol , code , name |
yes (default: symbol ) |
{{number amount}}
{{number "1234.6789" precision="2,4" rounding-mode="down" rounding-increment="0.0002" format="currency" currency="usd" currency-display="none"}}
Displays a field containing a cusomizable calculated value.
Note: The Output of a calculations is always a raw number. They can be formatted by wrapping it in the number-function
parameter | content | optional | examples |
content | string | See examples below |
Supported Symbols
Symbol | Description | Example |
+ | Addition Operator | 2+3 = 5 |
- | Subtraction Operator | 2-3 = -1 |
* | Multiplication Operator | 2*3 = 6 |
/ | Division Operator | 3/2 = 1.5 |
Mod | Modulus Operator | 3 Mod 2 = 1 |
^ | Power Operator | 2^3 = 8 |
root | Sqare Root Function | root 4 = 2 |
( ) | Parenthesis | 2*(3+4) = 14 |
pi | Math Constant pi | pi = 3.14... |
Displays a field containing a dynamic value, optionally in a specified format.
All parameters except type are renderable with Mustache template syntax and use document variables.
parameter | content | optional | default |
1 | Payment slip type | ch-qr - only Swiss QR bill is available for now |
creditor-name | Creditor Name | yes | {{Document.creditor.name}} |
creditor-addressline-1 | Creditor Address First Line | yes | |
creditor-addressline-2 | Creditor Address Second Line | yes | |
creditor-city | Creditor City | yes | {{Document.creditor.address_town}} |
creditor-country | Creditor Country | yes | {{Document.creditor.address_country_code}} |
creditor-postcode | Creditor City | yes | {{Document.creditor.address_zip}} |
creditor-iban | Creditor Iban | yes | {{Document.creditor.iban}} |
debtor-name | Debtor Name | yes | {{Document.receiver.name}} |
debtor-addressline-1 | Debtor Address First Line | yes | |
debtor-addressline-2 | Debtor Address Second Line | yes | |
debtor-city | Debtor Country | yes | {{Document.creditor.address_town}} |
debtor-country | Debtor Country | yes | {{Document.creditor.address_country_cide}} |
debtor-postcode | Debtor Country | yes | {{Document.creditor.address_zip}} |
payment-amount | Payment Amount | yes | {{BalanceOutstanding}} |
payment-currency | Payment Currency | yes | {{CurrencySymbol}} |
reference-type | Reference Type. Allowed ones are SCOR and NON |
yes | SCOR |
reference | Reference String | yes | {{Document.id}} |
{{payment-slip "ch-qr"}}
{{payment-slip "ch-qr" creditor-name="Other Name" creditor-addressline-1="Other Address" creditor-addressline-2="4545 Other Town" creditor-city="Other Town" creditor-country="DE" creditor-postcode="4545" creditor-iban="DE93 0076 2011 6238 5295 1" debtor-name="Third name" debtor-addressline-1="Third address" debtor-addressline-2="6767 Third Town" debtor-city="Third Town" debtor-country="CH" debtor-postcode="6767" payment-amount="245.35" payment-currency="EUR" reference="CustomReference"}}
The MatchHelper provides a utility for matching strings in Handlebars templates using regular expressions. This helper can be used to filter or search for specific patterns in content within your Handlebars templates.
parameter | content | optional | examples |
1 | reference | Invoice |
pattern | Regular expression pattern | no | "\\d+" for matching digits |
flag | Optional regex flags | yes | "g" for global matching |
{{#if (match Invoice pattern="12345")}}
Contains a number!
No numbers found.
{{#if (match Invoice pattern="12345" flags="g")}}
Contains a number!
No numbers found.
The ElectronicInvoiceHelper provides a utility for generating electronic invoices in Handlebars templates. This helper can be used to generate electronic invoices for ZUGFeRD and Factur-X.
parameter | content | optional | examples |
1 | Invoice Type | no | factur-x |
language | Language | yes | {{language}} |
summarize-items | Summarize Items | yes | 'title' or '' |
invoice-id | Invoice ID | yes | {{Document.id}} |
invoice-title | Invoice Title | yes | {{Document.name}} |
invoice-date | Invoice Date | yes | {{InvoiceDate}} |
creditor-hash | Creditor ID Hash | yes | {{Document.creditor.id}} |
creditor-name | Creditor Name | yes | {{Document.creditor.name}} |
creditor-address-lineone | Creditor Address First Line | yes | {{Document.creditor.additional_name}} ?? {{Document.creditor.address_1}} |
creditor-address-linetwo | Creditor Address Second Line | yes | {{Document.creditor.additional_name}} ? {{Document.creditor.address_1}} : {{Document.creditor.address_2}} |
creditor-address-linethree | Creditor Address Third Line | yes | {{Document.creditor.additional_name}} ? {{Document.creditor.address_2}} : '' |
creditor-city | Creditor City | yes | {{Document.creditor.address_town}} |
creditor-country | Creditor Country | yes | {{Document.creditor.address_country_code}} |
creditor-postcode | Creditor Postcode | yes | {{Document.creditor.address_zip}} |
creditor-iban | Creditor Iban | yes | {{Document.creditor.iban}} |
creditor-email | Creditor Email | yes | {{Document.creditor.email}} |
debtor-hash | Debtor ID Hash | yes | {{Document.receiver.id}} |
debtor-name | Debtor Name | yes | {{Document.receiver.name}} |
debtor-address-lineone | Debtor Address First Line | yes | {{Document.receiver.additional_name}} ?? {{Document.receiver.address_1}} |
debtor-address-linetwo | Debtor Address Second Line | yes | {{Document.receiver.additional_name}} ? {{Document.receiver.address_1}} : {{Document.receiver.address_2}} |
debtor-address-linethree | Debtor Address Third Line | yes | {{Document.receiver.additional_name}} ? {{Document.receiver.address_2}} : '' |
debtor-city | Debtor City | yes | {{Document.receiver.address_town}} |
debtor-country | Debtor Country | yes | {{Document.receiver.address_country_code}} |
debtor-postcode | Debtor Postcode | yes | {{Document.receiver.address_zip}} |
debtor-iban | Debtor Iban | yes | {{Document.receiver.iban}} |
debtor-email | Debtor Email | yes | {{Document.receiver.email}} |
debtor-preferred-document-delivery | Debtor Preferred Document Delivery | yes | {{Document.receiver.preferred_document_delivery}} |
payment-subtotal | Payment Subtotal | yes | {{Subtotal}} |
payment-total | Payment Total | yes | {{Total}} |
due-payable | Payment Amount | yes | {{BalanceOutstanding}} |
payment-currency | Payment Currency | yes | {{CurrencySymbol}} ?? {{Currency}} ?? 'CHF' |
{{electronic-invoice "factur-x"}}
{{electronic-invoice "factur-x" language="en" summarize-items="item-name" invoice-id="i1" invoice-title="it" invoice-date="2099-12-12" creditor-hash="c1" creditor-name="cn" creditor-address-lineone="cl1"" creditor-address-linetwo="cl2" creditor-address-linethree="cl3" creditor-country="cc" creditor-postcode="9988" creditor-city="cc" creditor-email="ce" debtor-hash="d1" debtor-name="dn" debtor-address-lineone="dl1" debtor-address-linetwo="dl2" debtor-address-linethree="dl3" debtor-country="dc" debtor-postcode="6655" debtor-city="dc" debtor-email="de" debtor-preferred-document-delivery="PhysicalMail" payment-subtotal="50.00" payment-total="99.99" due-payable="99.90" payment-currency="pcu"}}