Lansen Bridge MQTT

Here we describe how to conntect with a Lansen MQTT-Bridge and the management tool.

Source Adapter

First you need to create a new Source Adapter. The fresh adapter will have a default configuration in the JSON tab, which you need to update according to your devices first:


Type            :  Lansen Bridge Webhook

Authentication  :  zCR3QrmOj59uGWgK7YPRTdjMiHQ3xsHN

    "devices": [
            "title": "Primary",
            "serial": "LAS.00123456.11.11",
            "notices": "",
            "password": "NewRandomPassword6"
            "title": "Another",
            "serial": "LAS.00123459.11.11",
            "notices": "",
            "password": "NewRandomPassword9"
    "encryptionKeys": [
    "configurationPassword": "AnotherRandomPassword"


For each Lansen MQTT-Bridge, you need to create one Device. Note, that serial and password must match the config for each bridge. Use exactly the full serial printed on the Gateway label!

Now configure your Lansen Gatway with the Lansen Configurator: Connect via Dongle → Config Repeater / Bridge → Bridge

Parameter Value
MQTT host
MQTT port 8883
MQTT username {SourceAdapter→Authentication [zCR3QrmOj59uGWgK7YPRTdjMiHQ3xsHN]}
MQTT password {SourceAdapter→Config→Devices→…→password [NewRandomPassword6]}
MQTT prefix {empty}
APN {empty}
Modem Upload check 00:00 24h Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
MQTT always YES

Encryption Keys

For each encryption key used on one or more meters, add one string-item to the array encryptionKeys. The decryption will try each key until it finds the correct one. A lot of keys therefore make the decryption process slower, so it’s recommended to use not more than 10 keys per installation.

But in case it’s required, it’s totally possible to add one encryption key per meter, even for multiple hundret meter. However, if there are multiple Lansen Bridges in use in a setup like this, it’s recommendet to setup one Source Adapter per Bridge (= configuring only one Device and it’s connected meters encryption keys per Source Adapater).

Configuration through MQTT

It’s possible to remotly configure Lansen Bridges through MQTT, usually the desired approach.

Start the Lansen Configurator and switch to tab MQTT. Configure the connection like this:

Parameter Value
Port 8883
QoS 1
Serial {6-Digit-Serial of Bridge [00123456]}
Username {SourceAdapter→Authentication [zCR3QrmOj59uGWgK7YPRTdjMiHQ3xsHN]}
Password {SourceAdapter→Config→configurationPassword [AnotherRandomPassword]}

Recommendet Bridge Configuration:

Parameter Value
Encryption no encryption enabled
MBUS input mode TC
MBUS output mode C
Min install RSSI 0
Supression timer 1 Minutes
Start time disabled
Listen/pause timers 1 / 0
Magnet/reed timer 60
Monthly reading start time disabled
Monthly reading listen time not used
Accepted Manufacturer IDs empty or project dependant
Route messages Route only OMS messages
Automatic meter installation yes
must corretly auto-update
See above under Devices


Connection without TLS

For test purposes, it’s possible to connect to Port: 1883 with TLS: off for the Bridge (devices) as well the Configurator. Do not use this as permanent solution for customer data, as the data is not encrypted when sent over the Internet this way.

Investigate Traffic

The Lansen Configurator allows to investigate into packages using the tab Packet Sniffer. In case you need to know in real time what happens over WMBUS, this is the easiest method to look into traffic. It displays valuable information like: Meter Serial, Meter Type, WMBUS Signal Strength and Last Hop.

The Packet Sniffer is available for Dongle and MQTT connections.