Generic Session Accumulator Adapter

Here we describe the protocol for Generic Session Accumulators. The client is your device, while the server is the Lexgate Platform.

Session Start


Request (client)

    "token": "044A5DE3",
    "device_id": "SomeCustomizableDeviceId",
    "device_name": "Some customizable name",
    "installation_id": "SomeCustomizableInstallationId",
    "installation_name": "Some customizable installation name"

Response (server)

One of:

Session started successfully

Status Code: 200

    "id": "session-start-registered",
    "message": "",
    "session_id": "5e3d1be5-7a6f-449a-ba8f-a9e85137b6e6",
    "token_tag": "Appartment 3",
    "device_tag": "Platformside Device Tag"
Authorization Failed

Status Code: 401

    "id": "charger-token-combination-not-found",
    "message": "The given charger-token combination was not found"
Other responses

Other response codes (like 404 or 500) are not thrown by the endpoint and therefore most likely indicate some misconfiguration.

Session Update

Periodically send a SessionUpdate to the server, to keep track of the consumption. Also, if the Session was ended on platform side, this will return 401, which means, the Session should be terminated on client-side, too.

Request (client)


    "session_id": "5e3d1be5-7a6f-449a-ba8f-a9e85137b6e6",
    "your_first_value": 123,
    "your_second_value": 100

Response (server)

One of:

Update Successful

Status Code: 200

    "id": "session-update-registered"
Session canceled

Indicates, that the session was canceled on server side.

Status Code: 401

    "id": "session-ended",
    "message": "The session was canceled."
Other responses

Other response codes (like 404 or 500) are not thrown by the endpoint and therefore most likely indicate some misconfiguration.

Session End

Request (client)


    "session_id": "5e3d1be5-7a6f-449a-ba8f-a9e85137b6e6",
    "your_first_value": 200,
    "your_second_value": 100

Response (server)

Session ended successfully

Status Code: 200

    "id": "session-end-registered",
    "message": "The session was ended."
Other responses

Other response codes (like 404 or 500) are not thrown by the endpoint and therefore most likely indicate some misconfiguration.

You should retry to end a session until it was successful (200), to make sure no data is lost.