Data points
As soon as your Lexgate project succesfully receives Transmissions, you can start to set up your data points.
Logical Structure
Groups and Meters should represent a logical structure of the property. This structure usually matches the physical structure, but sometimes it’s easier to deviate in some details.
A Group is a collection of other Groups and Meters. The simplest example for what a group could represent is a Flat. A Flat usually contains multiple Meters. Superordinate to a a “Flat” could be another Group “Building”.
A Group structure for a simple property could look like this:
The physical measuring devices for the property are represented in Lexgate as “Meter”. For each measuring device a Meter must be created in Lexgate. The name of this Meter is user defined, but should be unique within a group.
Meter Units
Meter Units create a connection between data gathering and structure. For each measured unit a Meter Unit must be created and assigned to a Meter. The parser exports values from Transmissions with a customizable filter. This recored values are called Records.
For the structure Meter Units get a customizable name, for example:
Data Source
For Meter Units it’s required to configure a Data Source. It gets configured with multiple parameters:
- Source: The Source which Transmissions should be filtered.
- Source Filter type: There are three types available:
- JsonPath: for Transmission in JSON format
- XPath: for Transmission in XML format
- Regex: Expers only. Filters with Regular Expression
- Source Filter path: The filter string to apply. Check the examples for JsonPath and XPath.
It’s also necessary to configure the scale of the incoming data. The scale must match the one that is used for Accounting later on. It’s best if the gateway already sends the data in the correct scale; but if that’s not possible, the Normalization Factor must be adjusted accordingly:
- Symbol: The unit symbol of the transmitted unit, for example kWh or m³/h.
- Symbol Name: The written out name of the unit symbol, for example Kilowatt-hours or Cubic Meters.
- Normalization factor: The factor which is applied to the matched value of the Transmission, before this value is written to the database. An example: if the gateway sends water consumption in liters, but the tariff for water consumption is in m³, insert 0.001 here. *Is monitored: Choose if the Meter Unit is considered for the Health-Check.
Display information
The analysis feature can display recorded values. It’s possible, that the scale of the record does not match the desired scale to display the information. For this reason, it’s possible to set scaling information for display purposes. All features related to accounting ignore this setting.
- Value type:
- Accumulated: The default setting for meters. In charts, differences are displayed (energy consumption, water consmption).
- Absolute: In charts, absolut values are displayed (tempertures, flow).
- Display Symbol: The unit symbol after applying the display factor.
- Display Symbol Name: The unit symbol name after applying the display factor.
- Display Factor: The factor to apply when showing values from the database. Is not applied in account related functionality.
An important function of Lexgate is to show Records in charts. The charts can also be parameterized:
- Type: Type of the chart series.
- Color: Primary color of the Meter Unit in the chart.
- Fill Color: Fill color of the Meter Unit (only for Area, Areaspline and Column).
Meter Units with multiple Tariffs
Lexgate supports Meter Units, which use a defined Tariff per unit. It’s also possible to configure multiple Tariffs on the same Unit, for example a normal tariff and a peak tariff for an electricity meter.
First, create one or multiple Tariffs in Tariffs.
Then, create a Meter Unit as described above. Now change to the tab Tariffs in the Meter Unit detail view. Select a Tarif and configure a filter. Repeat this for every Tariff that should be recorded.
As soon as a Meter Unit is created, the Filter is applied for each newly received Transmission. A list of the Meter Unit Records are displayed in the tab Records in every Meter Unit.
If you have to record values from previous Transmission, you can order Lexgate to reprocess these Transmissions. To do this, change to Meter Units, select the desired Meter Units and click .
Replace Meters
Physical measure devices require replacements and some point. Lexgate provides functionality for this process in the tab Life Cycle on every Meter and Meter Unit.
Usually, you want to replace a Meter with a new, not yet added replacement. Proceed like this:
- Fill in the input fields Effective at for Set successor.
- Select the Meter Units which should be available for the Successor.
- Click
- The successor was created. You can move to the newly created record by clicking it’s name under Predecessor.
Meters and Meter Units, which have a predecessor configured, are excluded from most lists. But they are still listen in the Life Cycle-tab of the successor.